Gary A. Lofton
Board of Supervisors
  Back Creek District 


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As of this date, January 20, all new signs regarding speed limit and curve warnings have been installed by VDOT.

Many citizens have asked about a potential lowering of the speed limit on Back Mountain Road after the last fatal traffic accident occurred. VDOT  has stated that there was no movement in that direction but they did want to conduct an administrative study to verify the existing posted speed. That study has been completed and here is a copy of their recommendattions.

VDOT Speed Limit Study Northwest Region Traffic Engineering November 20, 2015
Study area:
Route # 600 Street name: Back Mountain Rd. Jurisdiction: Frederick County From: Intersection Route 608 (Wardensville Grade) (MP 8.54) To: Intersection Route 614 (Hayfield Rd.) (MP 17.22) Length: 8.68 miles
AADT (2014) is as follows: • 1700 vehicles per day from Route 608 north to Route 611 (White Rd.) (3.98 miles) • 1800 vehicles per day from Route 611 to the southern intersection of Route 612 (Fishel Rd.) (0.70 mile) • 1900 vehicles per day from the southern intersection of Route 612 to the northern intersection of Route 612 (Back Ridge Rd.) (1.0 mile) • 3500 vehicles per day from the northern intersection of Route 612 to Route 614 (3.00 miles) • A weighted average of 2350 vehicles per day throughout the study area was used in the crash analysis for this study. Functional Class: Rural major collector
Speed limit for study roadway is unposted (55 MPH statutory).
Origin and Nature of Request: The Frederick County Sheriff’s Office requested a review of this roadway based on a spate of recent crashes. They wanted to reduce the speed limit to 45 MPH to match the section of Route 614 (Back Mountain Road) immediately north of the study area. The purpose of this study is to determine whether that speed limit reduction is feasible based on the traffic speeds and safety record of this roadway.
Study Results and Recommendation: It is recommended to implement a 55 MPH speed limit by resolution to be consistent with the 85th-percentile speeds on this roadway. All of the speed counters on this roadway were indicating speeds of more than 55 MPH, and one of the speed counters was indicating speeds of slightly over 60 MPH; however, the 55 MPH is the maximum speed limit for this roadway that the Code of Virginia allows.
It is also recommended to install appropriate curve warning signs with advisory speeds at horizontal curves that have maximum advisory speeds less than 55 MPH. A few curves have ball-bank readings as low as 30 MPH. Curve warnings are recomended as noted in Section G of this report.

Something on your mind?
If there is anything you are concerned about or you just want to let me know of something taking place in your community that I should be aware of, please let me know. I can be reached via email or by phone at 540 247 4147.

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The County Finance Department has posted Financial forms that give some very good detail on our fiscal standing and other interesting news. You can find them here.

Financial Statements

2014 Budget